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A Step-by-Step Guide for Changing Your Instagram Name

In today’s digital age, social media platforms play a significant role in our lives. Instagram, one of the most popular platforms, allows users to connect with friends, share photos, and build an online presence. Your Instagram username, also known as your handle, is a crucial part of your online identity. If you’re looking to change your Instagram name, whether for rebranding or personal reasons, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.

Why Change Your Instagram Name

Your Instagram name is often the first thing people notice about your profile. There are several reasons why you might want to change it:

Rebranding: If you’ve started a new venture or have a change in your online persona, a new name can help reflect these changes.

Privacy Concerns: Sometimes, you may want to protect your identity or keep a lower profile.

Personalization: Your current name might be outdated or no longer representative of who you are.

Spelling or Typo Errors: Correcting mistakes in your current username.

Things to Consider Before Changing Your Name

Before you rush to change your Instagram name, consider these important factors:

Availability: Check if the new name you want is available. Instagram usernames must be unique.

Relevance: Ensure that your new username aligns with your online presence or personal brand.

Impact: Think about how the name change might affect your followers and engagement.

Username History: Keep in mind that your old username may still be associated with your profile, even after changing it.

How to Change Your Instagram Name

How to Change Your Instagram Name

Now, let’s dive into the steps to change your Instagram name:

Step 1: Open the Instagram App

Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device. You cannot change your Instagram name through a web browser.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

In the lower right corner of the screen, tap on your profile icon or your profile photo. You will then be sent to your profile page.

Step 3: Edit Profile

On your profile page, you’ll see an “Edit Profile” button.

Step 4: Change Your Username

In the “Edit Profile” section, you’ll find a field labeled “Username.” Tap on this field and enter your new desired username. Instagram will immediately check if the username is available. If it’s available, it will be marked with a green checkmark.

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Step 5: Save Your Changes

Once you’ve entered your new username, scroll down and tap the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen. Your Instagram name is now changed!

What to Do After Changing Your Instagram Name

Video credit: Stark Nace Guide

After successfully changing your Instagram name, it’s essential to take a few additional steps:

Update Your Followers: Post a story or a regular feed post to inform your followers about the name change.

Check for Broken Links: If you’ve shared your profile link elsewhere, ensure that it still works.

Monitor Engagement: Keep an eye on how the name change affects your engagement and interactions.

Tips for Choosing a New Username

Selecting the right username is crucial. Here are some tips to help you choose a new one:

Keep It Simple: A short and easy-to-remember username is ideal.

Stay Relevant: Choose a name that reflects your interests or brand.

Avoid Special Characters: Instagram usernames can’t contain special characters.

Check Social Media Handles: Ensure your chosen name is available on other platforms as well.


In conclusion, changing your Instagram name is a simple process that can help you rebrand, maintain privacy, or update your online identity. Remember to consider the implications and choose a new username that aligns with your online presence. By following these steps and tips, you can smoothly transition to your new Instagram identity.


1. Am I allowed to alter my Instagram name more than once?

Yes, you can change your Instagram name, but there are some limitations. You can only change it once every 14 days.

2. What happens to my old username?

Your old username becomes available for others to use, but your new username is reserved exclusively for your account.

3. Do I lose my followers when I change my name?

No, your followers are unaffected if you change your Instagram name. They will still be following your updated profile.

4. Can I revert to my old username?

Once you’ve changed your Instagram name, you can’t immediately switch back to your old one. Make sure you’re happy with your new choice.

5. Can I use spaces in my Instagram name?

No, Instagram usernames cannot contain spaces.

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